Niantic Labs at Lucca Comics & Games?

The origin of Niantic Labsit is both interesting and exciting. Everything happens when you’re in it 2001 founded a small team of geospatially obsessed computer scientists, gamers, cartographers and AI researchers keyhole. Originally conceived as a video game, keyhole It was a unique product that allowed users to zoom in on interactive 3D maps of the planet.
The remains This very ambitious project is still alive today Google Earththen in 2004 keyhole came taken over by Google. Working in studios Google allowed part of the team to continue to focus on the exploration and 3D modeling of hundreds of cities, countries and planets. Go as far as introducing features like Google Maps, Street view, SketchUp And panoramaamong many others.
Five years later, in 2010in the minds that created them keyhole An idea was born: to create one new type of game with i mobile devices and your Understanding maps with the aim of Make the world more magical through exploration, movement and social interaction in the real world. All of this led to the creation of Niantic Labs as a startup within Google.
And since then Niantic Labs He has come a long way and is just passing through lesser known games but no less fascinating than First class entryto games instead world famousas Pokémon Go, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite And Pikmin Bloomachieve more than 230 million players across the globe.
Well, more than 20 years from the original idea which then led to the birth of Niantic Labs, Lucca Comics & Gameswhich will take place from November 1st to 5th among historians Streets of Luccait will be a home for the stand is dedicated Monster Hunter nowthe new brand game Niantic Labs In Expanded reality The will bring the fantastic and menacing creatures of the saga into our world Monster hunter.
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The article Niantic Labs at Lucca Comics & Games? first appeared in VIGAMUS Magazine – the magazine about the world of video games.