Etrom: The Astral Essence, the 20th Anniversary Edition is here

Developed by AgeOfGamer and published by Troglobytes gamesEtrom is a point-and-click action role-playing game set in a dystopian future and techno-fantasy that was released in 2005 20th anniversary edition. In the world of electricity The entire surface of the earth has become desert and the population is congregating in a few very crowded urban areas megacitiesThe main continents at war with each other are Sighund, Hitland, Ursaton and Sacrum.
In a world where conflict is the order of the day and every megacity has its own militarization, is the most valuable asset chroma, a mineral of tremendous power used primarily in the crafting of weapons of tremendous energy power. The downside that limits its use is its high cost due to its low occurrence, which is why most people have reverted to using a more common white weapon, such as a sword. Another use of Chroma is in the construction of respirators, essential for exploring the world beyond the megacities where the air causes the so-called Dark Evil.
There 20th anniversary edition will be available in November 2032 for pc but as early as October it will be possible to play a demo.
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The contribution “Etrom: The Astral Essence” is the first issue of the 20th Anniversary Edition in VIGAMUS Magazine – the magazine about the world of video games.